Kyle is a Physical Therapist. He can get a job anywhere. So can you.
That's the tagline we used to guide the recent project we just completed with Advanced Medical. And it's not just a tagline. Advanced Medical is a therapy only staffing agency placing traveling therapists all across the country. Their innovation, creativity and embrace of technology has produced tremendous growth for their company over the last few years and things are only going up from here.
This project had a lot of components and enabled us to experiment with some techniques and technologies, thanks to Advanced Medical allowing us the space to be creative and trusting us to deliver.
Updated Brand
We fist updated the Advanced Medical brand. We didn't do a complete rebrand, just changed up some of the styles to give it a cleaner, more modern look. We also presented the brand in additional styles so it could used more universally.
We had several primary goals with Advanced Medical's new site:
- Simply the site while presenting the same/similar information
- Not loose any SEO they've earned over the years
- Create more interaction and engagement
We started with the home page. We cleared most things out of the way so potential candidates could focus on the main thing they're looking for - JOBs! However, if these candidates are looking for more information they can get it quickly with just a click.
We then created a custom travel therapy job board and improved the work flow for their candidates. The job board is easy to navigate and presents job options quickly and simply.
We also present Hot Jobs throughout the site that are relevant to the modality or state mentioned on the page.
Advanced Medical does a lot of work with new grads so we made their Therapy New Grad section a primary focus of the site.
Finally, knowing Advanced Medical has a huge focus on customer happiness, so we made it easy for their customers to request travel therapy staff and also intro them to some of the friendly faces they'll be working with at Advanced Medical.
Other highlights of the website include:
- Chat Widget
- Stylized contact forms
- Modal pop up windows
- Job detail pages
- Facebook comments on the blog
Advanced SEO
- What advanced SEO you ask? Well…it's are a secret. But it's awesome. We promise. :-)
Mobile Website
And finally our favorite part of the project. The mobile website! Did we mention we love building mobile websites for staffing companies? No, well, we do. Love. Building. Mobile. Websites!
With this mobile website we used JQTouch. Sweet! JQTouch is an excellent mobile platform that brings the power and interaction of jQuerry to the mobile web. This is the first time we experimented with the platform and we were quite pleased with the results!
The jobs on the mobile website are front and center and we made it easy for potential candidates to find the right job for them by simply selecting the appropriate modality.
Candidates can easily apply for jobs, call Advanced Medical or share any job they want right from their mobile device! Nothing to install and works on every mobile smart phone. FTW!
Check out the new Advanced Medical website and mobile website and let us know what you think! Also watch for more to come with the projects we have coming out with Advanced Medical. Stay tuned!
We are extremely grateful to have the opportunity to work with Advanced Medical. We consistently put out the call asking for customers looking to be innovative with their technology and marketing efforts. Advanced Medical answered.
So now we'll ask again. Innovative customers wanted: Who's next?
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