Great infographic on the highest paid nursing professions from
The infographic also shares something even more interesting. Facebook is known as the social network with the largest user base. It earned over 100M users in just four years. However, Instgram is currently on pace to beat that! This recent study by social analytics firm Distimo found that Instagram is now the second most popular social app behind Facebook. This would also make sense as to why Facebook recently acquired Instagram.
So what's this all mean? It means that people love photos and Instagram has a growing user base you can't ignore. Get your staffing company signed up for Instagram and start connecting in a new way with your audience.
Need help getting started? We'll post tips on that topic next. In the meantime, contact Staffing Robot if your looking for social media tips for your staffing company.
Great infographic by SmartRecruiters on why jobs remain unfilled, despite high unemployment.
The infographic shows complicated and broken hiring processes as being a major issue for companies and a huge drain on resources. For candidates, the infographic suggests long wait times for applications to is a major issue.
The infographic does suggest some potential solutions to these issues through mobile and social recruiting and on boarding. For instance, 57% of respondents said they would prefer applying via mobile device.
Here's a great infographic put out by Advanced Medical - a travel therapy company focused exclusively on travel therapy.
Here's an infographic on why America Needs Travel Nurses by Travel Nurse Source.
Just a few short years ago people were still trying to figure out what social media was. Now it’s a major part of any marketing budget. Well, almost any.
Digital platforms have seen double digit growth for years and are now responsible for the majority of growth in advertising in almost every industry. So, what does it all mean?
Well, as this inforgraphic from ROI Media points out, digital ads aren’t a fad. Still spending the majority of your marketing budgets on traditional media? If so, perhaps it's time to look at that budget again.
Great infographic by Text Marketer on the Seven Deadly Sins of Mobile Marketing.
Source: Text Marketer Bulk SMS Services
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